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Article 54

Preparing the Ballot Papers

(1) The ballot papers shall be printed according to the instructions of the respective electoral bodies. Members of the Central Electoral Commission shall observe, while representatives of electoral competitors may observe the process of developing the ballot paper matrix, printing the ballot papers and destroying the matrix afterwards.

(2) Ballot papers shall be printed on opaque (matt) paper no later than 3 days prior to elections in a quantity corresponding to the number of voters. Each ballot shall bear both the series and number of respective constituency and polling station. The printed ballot papers shall be folded to conceal the ballots’ side where the voter can affix the stamp “Voted”.

(3) The printed ballot papers shall be stored by the responsible District Electoral Council and delivered to Precinct Electoral Bureaus on the eve of elections, being accompanied by a delivery certificate. The Central Electoral Commission shall send the ballot papers to the electoral bureaus of the polling stations set up abroad at least 3 days before the Election Day. The ballot papers are distributed based on the number of voters estimated according to the information submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and as per the data collected by the Central Electoral Commission. No more than 5000 ballot papers shall be issued for each polling station.

(4) The premises where the ballot papers are stored shall be guarded by the police. Only the chairperson of the respective District Electoral Council or Precinct Electoral Bureau, accompanied by at least two other members of the council or bureau, shall have access to ballot papers.

(5) Representatives of electoral competitors and voters shall have the right to get acquainted with the ballot paper design at the respective Precinct Electoral Bureau.

(6) The Central Electoral Commission shall deliver the ballot papers for parliamentary and presidential elections to District Electoral Councils no later than 2 days before the Election Day.