Home > 2.1.3 Jurisdictions > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code
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Article 58


(1) Every voter must vote in person. Voting for other individuals is not allowed. The Precinct Electoral Bureau shall hand out ballot papers to voters as per the voters’ list only upon the presentation of an identification document. Voters shall confirm the receipt of the ballot paper by signing in the voters’ list next to their name. A stamp is affixed on their ID slip or on the document based on which they vote, confirming that they voted on Election Day.

(2) Citizens residing within the territory of the polling station not included in the voters’ lists shall be entered on an additional list upon presentation of an identification document confirming their domicile within the polling station perimeter. In the same additional voters’ list, which contains the voter’s full name, date and place of birth, the last domicile in the Republic of Moldova, state identification number (IDPN), are also included:

a) voters who come to the polling station with the voting certificate. The voting certificate shall be retained by the polling station bureau and attached to the additional list;

b) the persons detained on the basis of an arrest order until a Court sentence is pronounced, persons sentenced to prison (deprivation of liberty) whose sentence is not final; persons under arrest for committing an offence, persons sentenced to prison (deprivation of liberty) by a final Court decision, located in penitentiaries;

c) the voters who do not have a registration at domicile or residence.

(3) The voting is done upon presenting one of the following identification documents:

a) identity card of a Moldovan citizen accompanied by a slip which confirms the domicile or residence on the territory of the polling station;

b) temporary identity card with confirmation of Moldovan citizenship and domicile of the holder;

c) passport of a Moldovan citizen for entry and exit the country, identity card of a Moldovan citizen, sailor’s card – in parliamentary elections, presidential elections or republican referenda, for polling stations opened outside the Republic of Moldova ;


Law no.273/1994 on identity documents from the national passport system was supplemented with a new align.(13): "(13) Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova whose validity period has expired can be used to exercice the right to vote."

Art. VI. of Law 113/2019 - If the mandate of a MP elected in a single member constituency is declared vacant with at least 180 days until the expiry of the mandate of the Parliament of the X legislature, partial parlementary elections shall be organized, which will be held in accordance with the legislation in force until the date of adoption of this law, except for the legal provisions on the obligation to present certtificates of integrity, regarding the electoral campaign and the voter identification documents, which will be regulated by the law in force, applied accordingly. 

d) service ID for serving military personnel, civil service card issued by Civil Service Centre for persons performing civil service as an alternative to military service.

(4) In the polling stations located outside the Republic of Moldova the voters shall fill in a personal responsibility statement certifying that they would refrain from multiple voting, being informed about criminal liability if this obligation is infringed.

(5) The chairperson and precinct electoral bureau members shall vote at the polling station where they conduct their activity and, if necessary, shall be included in additional lists based on vote certificates.

(6) The chairperson of the precinct electoral bureau shall keep records of important events during voting and vote counting. Upon the request of bureau members or of persons authorised to observe the election procedures, or of any voter, the chairperson shall note their comments and complaints regarding the election procedures on a separate sheet, which shall be attached to the Protocols of the Precinct Electoral Bureau. The information on voting on the main and additional lists is sent every 3 hours, in electronic form and/or via phone, to the Central Electoral Commission.

(7) The electoral bureau shall decide to prolong with no more than two hours the period of voting, in order to allow the voters, who queue up in the respective polling station, to exercise their rights, notifying the district electoral bureau and the Central Electoral Commission about such an extension.