Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 10

The Electoral Process

The electoral process shall be defined as implementation by subjects described under article 11 of this Law of electoral procedures stipulated hereunder.

The electoral process shall be conducted on the grounds of:

legality and prohibition of illegitimate interference with the process;

political pluralism (multi-party system);

transparency and openness of the electoral process;

equality of rights of parties (blocs) which shall be referred to as subjects of the electoral process;

equality of all candidates;

freedom of pre-election campaign, and equal access to mass media;

impartiality of bodies of state power and of local self-administration, officials and civil servants employed in said bodies, directors of enterprises, establishments and organizations towards parties (blocs) and candidates.

The Central Election Commission shall make an announcement regarding the commencement of the election campaign in accordance with the terms, specified by the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law.

The electoral process shall consist of the following stages:

preparation of lists of voters;

establishment of single-mandate constituencies;

establishment of election commissions;

nomination and registration of candidates according to electoral lists of parties (blocs) in multi-mandate constituencies, and lists of candidates in single-mandate constituencies;

organization of the pre-election campaign;


the counting of votes and the summing up of results of voting and elections of deputies;

registration of elected deputies.

the Central Election Commission shall officially publicize the results of elections of deputies to conclude the electoral process.