Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 52

Information Posters and Pre-Election Publicity Materials


1. The Central Electoral Commission shall, at the expense of funds which are allocated from the national budget of Ukraine for the preparation and conduct of elections and not later than 35 days prior to the election day, provide for publication of information posters for parties (blocs) whose candidates for deputies were registered in the multi-mandate electoral constituency, in the amount sufficient to furnish five copies to each electoral commission. The said posters shall include the election programs of parties (blocs) as submitted for registration of their candidates for deputy, photographs of the top five candidates for deputy on the lists of the respective parties (blocs), with indications of their family names, given names, patronymics, dates of birth, positions (occupations), places of work and residence, and party affiliations. The form, size and pattern of any such poster shall be as approved by the Central Electoral Commission.


2. The Central Electoral Commission shall coordinate the text of each information poster with a representative of the respective party (bloc).


3. The Central Electoral Commission shall, at the expense of funds which are allocated from the national budget of Ukraine for the preparation and conduct of elections and not later than 35 days prior to the election day, provide for publication of information posters for candidates for deputy registered in single-mandate electoral constituencies, in the amount of two thousand copies for each candidate for deputy. The content of any such poster shall be coordinated with the candidate for deputy and include the biography of the candidate, the election program thereof as submitted for registration, and his/ her photograph.


4. Information posters of parties (blocs) and of candidates for deputy registered in single-mandate electoral constituencies, shall, upon their production, be submitted to the respective electoral commissions, in the amount of 5 posters for each electoral commission, while the remaining posters shall be handed over to the candidate for deputy registered in the single-mandate electoral constituency or his/ her authorized person.


5. Any party (bloc) or any candidate for deputy registered in a single-mandate electoral constituency may at own discretion order pre-election publicity materials at the expense and within the limits of their electoral funds. Any information included into the said materials shall meet the requirements of the law.


6. Any party (bloc) or any candidate for deputy registered in a single-mandate electoral constituency shall be obligated to submit one copy of each printed pre-election publicity campaign material produced at the expense of the electoral funds to the Central Electoral Commission or, accordingly, to the respective electoral commission, not later than within 7 days as of the production of such material.


7. Any pre-election publicity campaign printed materials shall carry indications of the entity that printed them, of the number of printed copies, and of persons in charge of the issue.


8. Local bodies of executive power and local self-government authorities shall, not later than 50 prior to the election day, assign special areas for placing the pre-election publicity campaign materials within frequently visited public areas and furnish them with stands and notice-boards.


9. Information posters of parties (blocs) shall be the same in terms of their form, size and pattern, as approved by the Central Electoral Commission, and information posters of candidates for deputy registered in single-mandate electoral constituencies shall be the same in terms of form, size and pattern as approved by electoral commissions of the respective constituencies.


10. Polling stations shall receive information posters al least 20 days prior to the election day.