Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > UKRAINE - Law on the Central Election Commission
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Article 18

The Authorities of the Commission in regard to the Organization of the Preparation and Conduct of the Elections of the President of Ukraine


The Commission shall:


1) Organize the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine;


2) Announce the beginning of the process of the elections of the President of Ukraine;


3) Preside over the system of election commissions formed for the conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine and direct and control their activity;


4) Form territorial election districts for the elections of the President of Ukraine;


5) Form the territorial election commissions for the elections of the President of Ukraine; exercise the authorities of the territorial election commission for the out-of-country election district;


6) Publish the resolutions of the Commission and other information in regard to the elections of the President of Ukraine in cases envisaged by law;


7) Exercise control with the appropriate use of funds allocated from the State budget of Ukraine for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine;


8) Control the procedure of receipt, recording and use of funds of the campaign funds of candidates to the post of President of Ukraine in accordance with the procedure and within the limits established by law;


9) Establish the forms of election documentation, approve the samples of ballot boxes for voting and the seals of election commissions, determine the procedure for storage and transfer of election documentation to the respective state archival institutions;


10) Listen to reports from election commissions, heads of ministries, other bodies of the executive power and bodies of local self-government on issues related to the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine;


11) Register candidates to the post of President of Ukraine, their proxies and authorized representatives in the Central Election Commission;


12) Establish the form and approve the text of the election ballot for the elections of the President of Ukraine and ensure the production of election ballots;


13) Address the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with a request to cancel the registration of a candidate to the post of President of Ukraine on the grounds established by law;

14) Determine and officially announce the results of the elections of the President of Ukraine;


15) File a submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine about the designation of repeat elections of the President of Ukraine in cases envisaged by law;


16) After the newly elected President of Ukraine has taken the oath, hand over a certificate of the President of Ukraine to him or her;


17) Exercise other authorities in accordance with this Law, the Law of Ukraine “On the Elections of the President of Ukraine” and other laws of Ukraine.