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Article 81

Premises for Voting


1.    Voting shall be conducted in specially allotted premises equipped with an sufficient number of booths for secret voting and with designated places for issuing ballot papers and installing ballot boxes. The polling station commission shall check equipping premises for voting.


2.    Executive bodies of village, town and city (in cities, where there are no district in the city councils), district in the city councils or bodies (officials) that according to the law perform their duties, shall provide polling stations with required premised for voting, which may be equipped in accordance with requirements of this Law and norms established by the Central Election Commission, shall render technical assistance in equipping.


3.    Premises for voting for a small-size polling station shall have the space no less than 50 sq. meters; for a medium-size polling station — no less than 75 sq. meters, and for a large-size polling station — no less than 90 sq. meters. Upon permission of the district election commission, the premises for voting at the polling station may be of the smaller size but not smaller than 50% of stipulated by this Law size, if there are no premises of the appropriate size within a polling station.


4.    Premises for voting shall be equipped with sufficient number of booths for secret voting. At least two booths shall be installed in a small-size polling station, at least four — in a medium-size polling station, and at least six — in a large-size polling station. Arrangement of the equipment in the premises for voting shall be planned in such a way that places where ballot papers are issued, entrance to booths for secret voting and exit from such booths, and ballot boxes were within the field of vision of the members of the polling station commission and of the persons, which according to this Law have the right to be present in the premises for voting.


5.    Members of an election commission, candidates for deputies, authorized representatives of parties (blocs), official observers and mass media representatives shall have free access to premises for voting at the special polling station. Heads of institutions, commanders of military units (formations), where such polling stations are created, have to ensure free access to premises for voting for members of election commissions, voters included in the list at the polling station, candidates for deputies, authorized representatives of parties (blocs), official observers and mass media representatives.


6.    Each polling station shall be provided with sufficient number of ballot boxes — fixed (big) and mobile (small) ones. Ballot boxes shall have dimensions as determined by the Central Election Commission and shall be produced of transparent material. Each ballot box shall be given an individual number to be indicated on the respective box. Small-size polling station shall have at least two fixed ballot boxes, medium-size — at least three ballot boxes, and large-size — at least four fixed ballot boxes. Each polling station shall have at least two mobile ballot boxes. Fixed ballot boxes shall be installed in premises for voting in a way allowing voters to pass through booths (rooms) for secret voting when approaching such boxes. The procedure of ballot boxes production, account, use, and storage shall be determined by the Central Election Commission.


7.    In the premises for voting or directly in front of the premises, posters shall be placed by the polling station commission explaining the voting procedures and informing of the liability for breach of legislation on elections of deputies, electoral lists of candidates for deputies from each party (bloc) and informational posters of parties (blocs), to be arranged in a way the parties (blocs) appear in ballot paper.