Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO)
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Article 22

(1) Anyone being effectively sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding one year by a domestic court due to one or more wilfully committed criminal offences is excluded from the right to vote. This exclusion ends after six months. The period begins after the term has been served and preventive measures entailing the restraint of personal liberty have been ended or have become obsolete; in case the term has been served only by way of deducting the time of detention pending trial from the sentence, the period begins when the verdict is final.

(2) If the legal consequences are excluded by other legal provisions, lapsed, or the convict has been released from the legal consequences or the exclusion from the right to vote, he is not excluded from the right to vote either. Moreover, the exclusion from the right to vote is not effective, if the court has suspended the term. If the suspension is revoked, the exclusion from the right to vote becomes effective on the day when this decision becomes final.