Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 99

Registration of Elected Deputies


1.    To be registered an individual elected a national deputy no later than on the twentieth day from the day of official promulgation of the election results, shall submit to the Central Election Commission a document on his/her dismissal from the previous place of work, which is not compatible with a deputy mandate, and (or) a copy of a registered request to terminate another representative mandate submitted to the respective council.


2.    In the event that an individual elected a national deputy presents to the Central Election Commission legitimate reasons that prevent him/her from complying with the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Law, the Central Election Commission may pass a decision on recognizing the aforementioned reasons legitimate and set a different timeline for fulfillment of these requirements; otherwise the Central Election Commission mat pass a decision on not recognizing the aforementioned reasons legitimate.


3.    After having received the documents mentioned under paragraph 1 of this Law, the Central Election Commission shall pass a decision on registering the elected national deputy.


4.    In the event that an individual elected national deputy, without a legitimate reason, fails to fulfill the requirements stipulated by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Law, the Central Election Commission shall pass a decision on recognizing him/her an individual who rejected a deputy mandate and recognizing an elected national deputy the person who follows him/her on the party (bloc) list.


5.    No later than on the seventh day after registration of an individual elected national deputy, the Central Election Commission shall provide him/her with a temporary ID of a national deputy in the form established by the same Commission.


6.    The decision of the Central Election Commission on registering the deputy and a temporary ID of a national deputy shall serve as the grounds for the person to be sworn in as a national deputy of Ukraine.