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Article 90

(1) As soon as all electoral files of the community district authorities, and the precinct electoral authorities in Vienna, have reached the district electoral authorities, these shall be put in alphabetical order by the district electoral authority according to communities, and according to precincts in Vienna, and shall be examined for possible mistakes in the calculated results and, if necessary, be rectified. Then the district electoral authority shall put together for the area of the voting district the final local election results and note them in a written report.

(2) Eventually the district electoral authority shall for each community, and for each precinct in Vienna, ascertain the preferential votes cast for each campaigner on the party lists of a provincial election proposal made public in the provincial constituency on the grounds of the submitted ballots according to § 91, and shall note them in preferential vote lists for the area of the voting district.

(3) The written report according to al. 1 and the list of preferential votes according to al. 2 shall constitute the electoral files of the district electoral authority. The electoral files of the community electoral authorities, and the precinct electoral authorities in Vienna, shall be attached to it and immediately submitted to the appropriate provincial electoral authority, sealed, possibly in a sealed envelope.

(4) In cities with self-government the precinct electoral authorities shall make their reports directly to the district electoral authority. The electoral files shall also be directly delivered by the precinct electoral authority to the district electoral authority. The provisions of al. 1 to 3 and of §§ 86 to 89 shall be applied accordingly subject to the proviso that the district electoral authority shall be in charge of putting together the local election results and of the ascertainment of the election results in the voting district.