Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO)
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Article 93

(1) Thereupon the provincial electoral authority shall ascertain the preliminary total of votes cast in the provincial constituency on basis of the reports received by the district electoral authorities as provided in § 88. The votes of electoral card voters registered in a community of the provincial constituency as authorised to vote but who have cast their vote outside of their regional constituency shall thereby not be considered.

(2) The provincial electoral authority shall immediately communicate to the federal electoral authority the preliminary total of votes it ascertained according to para. 1 within its constituency (immediate notification). The federal electoral authority shall be informed of:

the total of valid and invalid votes cast;

the total of invalid votes;

the total of valid votes;

the valid votes cast for each of the parties (totals for each party).