Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > HUNGARY- Act LXIV on the Election of Local Municipal Government Representatives and Mayors
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Article 42

(1) In settlements with 10 000 or less inhabitants the representatives shall be elected on the small-list. In the case there is a smaller number of candidates than the number which may be elected on the basis of Article 8. the election may not be held and by-elections shall be organised.

(2) Voters may cast their votes on a number of candidates on the ballot paper no greater than the possible number of members in the representatives assembly.

(3) Annulled.

(4) Candidates receiving the greatest number of votes according to the possible number of representatives who may be elected (Article 8.) shall become representatives.

(5) In the case of an equality of votes lots shall be drawn to decide which of the candidates receiving an equal number of votes shall receive the mandate.

(6) Should a lesser number of representatives be elected at the election than the law determines then by-elections shall be held to fill the representative mandates which remained vacant.

(7) If the small-list candidate shall also be elected as mayor then s/he shall be struck from the small-list and the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall take his or her place.

(8) Annulled.