Home > 2 Organising the elections > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA- Law on Election of Members of Parliament
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Article 70

(1) The Municipal Election Commission is obliged to hand over the election material to the Electoral Boards one day prior to the day determined for holding the elections.

(2) Minutes shall be prepared for handing over the election material from the Municipal Election Commission to the Electoral Boards in which the total number of ballots with the related serial numbers and the rest of the necessary voting material shall be indicated.

(3) In the minutes on the handover of the election material, the Electoral Board shall determine if the room in which the voting will take place meets the prescribed voting conditions.

(4) The president, Electoral Board members and a member of the Election Commission, who is handing over the material, shall sign the minutes.

(5) Should the representatives of the list submitters present have some comments on the handing over of the election material, they have the right to request that those comments be registered in the minutes, and only the comments registered in that way may be invoked in the objections and be the subject of an assessment in the appellate proceedings.

(6) If the comments by the representatives of the list submitters present, referred to in paragraph ( 5) of this Article, are not evidenced in the minutes, they have the right to submit comments to the Municipal Election Commission within 5 hours of signing the minutes.

2. Ballot