Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the President
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Article 11

The Election Process

1. The election process is the realization of the election procedures envisaged by this law by the subjects specified in article 12 of this Law.

2. The election process shall be realized on the principles of:

1) lawfulness and a prohibition of illegal interference of any person with this process;

2) political pluralism and a multi-party system;

3) publicity and openness of the election process;

4) equality of all candidates for the post of President of Ukraine;

5) equality of rights of the parties (blocs) - subjects of election process;

6) freedom of campaign, equal opportunities for candidates to the post of President of Ukraine to access mass media;

7) impartiality from the side of the State executive bodies, bodies of local self-government, enterprises, institutions and organizations, their directors and other officials and officers towards candidates to the post of the President of Ukraine and, parties (blocs).

3. The beginning of the election process shall be determined by the terms specified in the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law.

4. The election process shall include the following stages:

1) the formation of territorial election districts;

2) the formation of election precincts;

3) the formation of territorial and polling station election commissions;

4) the compilation of lists of voters, their revision and update;

5) the nomination and registration of candidates;

6) the conduct of the pre-election campaign;

7) voting on the day of elections of the President of Ukraine;

8) The count of the votes of voters and the determination of the results of the vote and the results of the elections of the President of Ukraine;

5. If necessary, the election process may as well include the following stages:

1) repeat voting;

2) the count of the votes of voters and the determination of result of the repeat voting and the results of the elections of the President of Ukraine.

6. The stages, envisaged by part five of this article, shall only take place in cases envisaged by this Law.

7. The election process terminates with the official announcement of the results of elections of the President of Ukraine by the Central Election Commission or with the official publication of a submission of the Central Election Commission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine regarding the calling of repeat elections of the President of Ukraine.