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Article 13

Publicity and Openness of the Election Process

1. The elections of the President of Ukraine shall be prepared and conducted in a public and open manner.

2. In order to ensure the public and open nature of the election process, the election commissions, in accordance with their powers, shall:

1) inform the population about their composition, location and working hours, about the formation of territorial election districts and election precincts, about the voting hours and place, and about the fundamental rights of voters, including the right to appeal unlawful decisions, actions or inactivity of election commissions, state executive bodies and bodies of local self-government, enterprises, institutions and organizations, their directors and other officials and officers that violate or restrict the voting rights;

2) ensure opportunities for the citizens to get acquainted with the lists of voters, with information about the candidates for the post of the President of Ukraine and with pre-election programs of the candidates for the post of President of Ukraine, and with the procedure for filling out signature sheets and marking election ballots;

3) notify the population about the results of the vote and the results of the elections of the President of Ukraine;

4) provide other information in cases envisaged by this law.

3. Decisions of election commissions shall be brought to the knowledge of citizens through the print press , or, if impossible, made public publicized otherwise.

4. The mass media shall be obliged to cover the pace of the election process in an objective manner. Their representatives shall be guaranteed unrestricted access to all public election related events and to sessions of election commissions and to the polling stations on the day of elections and on the day of repeat voting - on the conditions specified in part nine of article 28 of the this Law. Election commissions, state executive bodies, bodies of local self-government, officials and officer of these bodies shall be obliged, within the limits of their powers and competence, to provide representatives of the mass media with the necessary information regarding the preparation and conduct of the elections.

5. Election commissions established at diplomatic and other foreign representations of Ukraine in countries where a significant number of voters have residence shall ensure that information about the voting hours and place and the location of the respective corresponding polling stations is published in the local mass media. The Central Election Commission shall determine s the list of such countries.