Home > 1.3.1 Freedom of voters to form an opinion > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the President
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Article 58

Forms and Means of the Pre-election Campaign

1. The pre-election campaign may be carried out in any form and by any means that do not contradict the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine.

2. Ukrainian citizens shall have the right to freely and comprehensively discuss the election pro­grams of candidates to the post of President of Ukraine, the political, professional and personal merits of the candidates, as well as to campaign for or against the candidates.

3. Official notices during the election process (without comments which may be of campaign na­ture, as well as video - and audio -recordings, movies and photo illustrations) about the activities of the candidates to the post of President of Ukraine while they carry out their official (duty) authorities, envisaged by the Constitution of Ukraine or other laws of Ukraine, shall not be considered part of the pre-election campaign.

4. The pre-election campaign shall be carried out at the expense of funds from the State Budget of Ukraine that are allocated for the preparation and conduct of the elections, for purposes specified by this Law, and at the expense of funds from the campaign funds of the candidates to the post of President of Ukraine.

5. The pre-election campaign at the expense of funds allocated from the State Budget of Ukraine for the preparation and conduct of elections shall be carried out in compliance with the principle of equal conditions providing the candidates to the post of President of Ukraine with the same print space in the print media and air time on radio and TV.

6. Bodies of the state executive power and bodies of local self-government shall, at the request of the respective territorial election commission, provide premises suitable for conducting public pre-election campaign events, which shall be organized by the territorial election commission. In connection with this, the territorial election commission is obliged to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates to the post of President of Ukraine, registered by the Central Election Commission. The payment for using the provided premises shall be carried out according to the procedure established in part two of article 39 of this Law.

7. A candidate to the post of President of Ukraine, who is registered by the Central Election Commission, shall have the right, on a contractual basis and at the expense of the campaign fund, to lease buildings and premises of all forms of ownership for the purpose of holding meetings, rallies, debates, discussions and other public pre-election campaign events.

8. A candidate to the post of President of Ukraine or his/her proxy shall notify the respective territorial election commission about the time and venue for public pre-election campaign events.

9. In case a building (premises), irrespectively of the form of ownership, is provided for a public pre-election campaign event or for campaigning for one candidate to the post of President of Ukraine, the owner ( tenant, user) of the building (premises) shall not have the right to refuse to provide it to another candidate to the post of President of Ukraine under the same conditions. This demand shall not apply to premises, which are owned or used on a constant basis by parties (blocs) - subjects of the election process.