Home > 1.3 Free suffrage > LATVIA - The Saeima Election Law
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Article 35

(1) When work resumes after the break, the polling station commission, at an open meeting and in accordance with the procedure set by the Central Election Commission, shall:

1) (deleted by the 09.03.2006 law);

2) repeat the counting of the valid ballot papers cast for each list;

3) divide the ballot papers cast  for each list  into two groups — annotated and unannotated ballot papers. A ballot paper on which a voter has placed a “+” opposite a candidate’s surname or has crossed out a candidates name or surname shall be regarded as annotated. All other ballot papers shall be regarded as unannotated;

4) count the annotated ballot papers in which:

a) there is a “+” opposite a candidate’s  surname,

b) a candidate’s  name or surname has been crossed out.

(2) The polling station commission shall record in the second part of the vote-counting minutes the final results of the vote counting.

(3) After the vote counting results have been confirmed, the polling station commission shall report them to the authorised observers and members of the mass media.