Home > 2.1.3 Jurisdictions > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the President
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Article 93

Subjects Considering the Complaints

1. A complaint, specified in articles 91 and 92 of this Law, shall be considered by the respective election commission or by a court pursuant to this and other laws of Ukraine.

2. The Supreme Court of Ukraine shall consider a complaint against the decisions, actions or inactivity of the Central Election Commission.

3. If a court has received a complaint for consideration and it was also submitted to an election commission for the same issue and for the same reasons, the election commission shall cease considering the complaint until the decision of the court enters into force. The court shall be obliged to notify this election commission and a higher-level commission about the receipt of the complaint no later than the day after receiving the complaint.

4. If the election commission , when considering a complaint, deems it necessary for law enforcement bodies to make a verification of the circumstances specified in the complaint, the respective bodies on the request of the election commission , shall verify these circumstances and, within three days from the receipt of the complaint or if the complaint was received less than three days prior to the day of elections, on the day of elections or on the day following the day of elections - immediately, take relevant measures in order to terminate the violation of the legislation.