Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > UKRAINE - Opinion on Legislative Provisions Concerning early Elections
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Paragraph 17

 According to paragraph 2 of the article 17 of the Law on the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine it is responsible for the implementation of the Constitutional and legislative provisions concerning the electoral process. It has even the power to propose necessary changes to the legislation on elections and referendums according to paragraph 6 of the same article. Another important attribution of the Central Electoral Commission is the possibility to adopt decisions on the practical issues concerning the organisation of the parliamentary elections (paragraph 3 of the article 19). Some of the unclear provisions of the electoral law can be completed through a set of specific decisions adopted by the Electoral Commission of Ukraine and it should use this power more actively.  For example, such aspects as the work of the electoral administration, the complaints and appeals procedure and voters’ lists might need additional regulation.