Home > 2 Organising the elections > HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure
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Article 28

(1) The members of the election committee shall take an oath in the presence of the competent mayor, the Mayor of the capital, the chairman of the county general assembly, or the Speaker of Parliament. The text of the oath shall be set forth in Annex 1.
(2) The election committee, once it has elected its members and they have taken an oath, shall hold a statutory meeting. At the statutory meeting, it shall elect its chairman and its deputy from the elected members.
(3) The election committee shall be represented by its chairman. If the election committee has no chairman or the chairman is hindered from acting, the chairman's responsibilities shall be met by its deputy.
(4) The rights and obligations of the elected and commissioned members are identical, with the exception that delegated members are not entitled to receive any fee.