Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on state register of voters
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Paragraph 28

As it was underlined in a previous opinion on the State Register[2], the very idea of passing a law setting up a model of permanent State Voter Register seems to be technically correct. In particular, its objective of replacing all the different rules about “compiling and maintaining voter lists” foreseen by other electoral laws (Final Provision number 3) is a good departing point… even when it could have been completed: in fact, this replacement will only take place “as far as the other Laws do no contravene this text”. In other words, this Law will need to be completed by other provisions fixed in other laws, so that citizens, lawyers, electoral authorities or judges will have to take into account different texts in order to be sure about the applicable rules. This underlines the expediency of incorporating all election related legislation into one single Electoral Code.

