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Article 24

The Right to Nominate Candidates

1. The right to nominate candidates shall belong to political parties, election blocs, voters by their place of work, service, education and residence in the corresponding constituency unless stipulated otherwise in this Code, as well as to citizens by way of self-nomination.

Protocols pertaining to nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) should be submitted to the appropriate election commission not later than 5 calendar days after the day when candidates were nominated.

2. Political parties, election blocs shall have the right to nominate as candidates the persons who are not members of these political parties.

3. The number of candidates to be nominated in constituencies shall not be limited.

4. The procedure for nomination of candidates is established in the Special Part of this Code.

(In the edition of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic issued on October 14th 2001 year, No. 87, January 24th 2004 year, No. 7)