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Article 92

Election fund of the candidate contesting for the position of head of local self-government

1. A candidate for the position of head of local self-government shall have the right to establish his or her own election fund to finance the election campaign according to the order established by the General Part of this Code.

2. Election funds may be established on account of the following financial means:

a) own resources of the candidate, which may not exceed the minimum monthly salary more than 100 times;

b) funds allocated to the candidate by the party or election bloc, which may not exceed the minimum monthly salary more than 200;

c) contributions made by individuals into the candidate’s election fund with the amount of these contributions not exceeding the minimum monthly salary more than 20 times;

d) contributions made by a legal entities into the candidate’s election fund with the amount of these contributions not exceeding the minimum salary more than 150 times.

The maximum amount of expenses made out of the candidate’s election fund may not exceed the minimum salary more than 1,000 times.

(In the edition of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic issued on October 14th 2001 year No.87, January 24th 2004 year No.7)