Home > 1.3.1 Freedom of voters to form an opinion > UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law No. 3366 about Elections to the Parliament
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Paragraph 55

 The draft law stipulates that all campaign expenses must be paid from the official campaign accounts of the political party or the political party candidate in the territorial election district, which are to be set up by a minimum of 50 days prior to the election day (Articles 45 and 46). The only permissible sources of funding for a political party campaign fund are money from the party or voluntary contributions by identified physical persons. Any single physical person may donate no more than 400 times the monthly minimum wage to a political party campaign fund (Article 49.2). The only permissible sources of funding for a political party candidate campaign fund are money from the political party campaign account, voluntary contributions of physical  persons or the candidate’s own personal funds in an amount not to exceed eight times the monthly minimum wage (Article 50). Donations to the political party campaign fund from anonymous donors, foreign citizens, and stateless persons are prohibited (Article 49.3).