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Article 29

a) Paragraph 1, sub-paragraph “a” shall be reworded as follows:

“a) Shall, within the limits of its authority, ensure the conduct of elections and referendums/plebiscites, monitor the implementation of the election legislation and guarantee its uniform application throughout Georgia;

b) Paragraphs “h” and “i” shall be reworded as follows:

“h) Shall, by resolution, determine the rules for the allocation and use of funds allocated for the conduct of elections and referendums/plebiscites;

i) Shall, by decree, determine the form of election/referendum/plebiscite ballots; texts of the ballots designated for elections of the Parliament, of the President, Tbilisi City Sakrebulo and referendum/plebiscite; the design of ballot boxes, special envelopes and seals of election commissions; the type of election-related documents not determined by this Law but required for the conduct of the elections;

c) Sub-paragraph “n” shall be reworded as follows:

“n) Shall, based on a summary protocol of election results of the DEC and PEC, determine the results of the elections to the Parliament (party lists), Presidency, Tbilisi City Sakrebulo and referendum/plebiscite and shall, by decree, approve the summary protocol of the CEC;”;

d) Sub-paragraph “q” shall be reworded as follows:

“q) Shall, by decree, grant the election/referendum/plebiscite observer status to a union, foundation or an international organisation, other organisation registered abroad, a group of representatives of government bodies of another state as defined under this Law;

e) Add to sub-paragraph “t” sub-paragraph “t1” with the following content:

“t1) Shall, by resolution, determine the rule for certification of election administration officers and the conditions of competition for the selection of the CEC staff and the DEC members.