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Article 68

Registration of Candidates for the Position of the President of the Republic of Belarus and for Deputies


Registration of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus shall be performed by the Central Commission whereas registration of candidates for deputies shall be performed by the respective district or territorial electoral commission.

Registration of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus shall begin 35 days and end 25 days before the elections, whereas registration of candidates for deputies shall begin 40 days and end 30 days before the elections.


In certain cases the term of registration of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus and of deputies of the Chamber of Representatives may be extended by a motivated decision of the Central Commission, but by not more than five days whereas the term of registration of deputies of the local Councils of Deputies may be extended for the same period of time by the respective district or territorial electoral commission.


Decision on registration of a candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus shall be taken if the following documents are available as submitted to the Central Commission before the beginning of the registration: records of the Oblast and the Minsk City commissions on elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus confirming availability of not less than 100 thousand signatures of citizens of the Republic of Belarus for the nomination of the candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus, an application of the candidate stating his consent to stand in election as well as biographic data on the person nominated as candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus specifying the data stipulated by the Central Commission.


Decision on registration of candidates for deputies shall be taken if the following documents submitted to the district or territorial electoral commission before registration are available: minutes of sittings of supreme or territorial managerial bodies of political parties, meetings of primary organisations of political parties, meetings (conferences) of labour collectives or of signature lists on nomination of candidates for deputies for the given electoral district, applications of candidates for deputies stating their consent to stand as candidates in the given electoral district and the respective documents mentioned in parts two and three of Article 66 of this Code.


If documents on nomination of a candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus, or deputy contain data that do not correspond to the reality including biographic data, the Central Commission, the district or territorial electoral commission, respectively, shall have the right to deny registration of the candidate for the position of the President or a deputy or cancel the decision on his registration.


If on the whole for the Republic of Belarus more than 15 per cent of the total number of verified electors’ signatures in the signature lists on nomination of a candidate for the position of the President has been recognised as inauthentic, the Central Commission shall deny registration of the candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus.


If during verification of authenticity of electors’ signatures in signature lists on nomination of a candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives or for deputy of a local Council of deputies more than 15 per cent of the total number of verified signatures of electors in the signature lists on nomination of the candidate for the deputy has been recognised as inauthentic, the respective electoral commission shall deny registration of the candidate for deputy.


Any number of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus or for deputies may be submitted for registration.


A candidate for deputy may run for election only in one electoral district. When nominated as candidate for deputy in several electoral districts, the candidate for deputy shall inform about his consent to run as candidate in the definite electoral district and on refusal to run as candidate in the other electors districts the respective district or territorial electoral commission not later than three days after the expiration of the term for nomination of candidates for deputies. Failure to fulfil this requirement shall be the ground for denial of registration of the candidate for deputy in all electoral districts.


The Central Commission, the respective district or territorial electoral commission shall verify the compliance with the procedure of nomination of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus or for deputies with the requirements of this Code and shall take decision on registration of candidates for position of the President or deputies or a motivated decision on denial of registration. The decision of the commission on denial of registration as candidate shall be given not later than on the next day following the day of the decision.


The record on registration of the candidate for deputy of the Oblast and the Minsk City Council of Deputies shall be submitted respectively to the Central Commission, the Oblast and the Minsk City territorial electoral commission.


The Central Commission, the district or territorial electoral commission, within a two-day period after registration, shall issue to the candidates for position of the President of the Republic of Belarus or for deputies the respective certificates.


Denial by the Central Commission to register the person nominated as a candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus may be appealed against, within a three-day period, in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus shall consider the complaint within a three-day period and its decision shall be final.


Denial of registration of a candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives may be appealed against, within a three-day period, in the Central Commission. The decision of the Central Commission may be appealed against in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus shall consider the complaint within a three-day period and its decision shall be final.


Denial of registration of a candidate for deputy of a local Council of Deputies may be appealed against, within a three-day period, in a superior territorial electoral commission. The decision of the superior territorial electoral commission may be appealed against, within the same period of time, in a regional (town) or Oblast court that shall consider the appeal within a three-day period. The decision of the court shall be final.


Powers of the person nominated as candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus who is a member of the Central Commission, or territorial or district commission on elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus shall be considered terminated as from the time of his registration as candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus.


Powers of the person nominated as candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives who is a member of the Central Commission or territorial or district commission on elections shall be considered terminated as from the time of his registration as candidate for deputy.


Powers of the person nominated as candidate for deputy of a local Council of Deputies who is a member of the Central Commission, or the district, territorial or precinct electoral commission where shall be considered terminated as from the time of his registration as candidate for deputy.


The Central Commission, the district or territorial electoral commission, not later than on the forth day after registration of candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus or deputy, shall hand over to mass media for publication information on registration specifying the surname, name and patronymic name, the date of birth, the profession, the position (occupation), the place of work and residence and the party membership of each candidate for the position of the President of the Republic of Belarus or deputy or shall otherwise inform the electors about this.