Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > GEORGIA - Opinion on the Unified Election Code
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Paragraph 11

Among the amendments to Chapter I of the Election Code, in Article 5 on universal suffrage, the former paragraphs 1 and 2 have been joined and reworded so as to address both the active and passive electoral right, and to make reference to the Articles in the Code under which the voting right or eligibility as candidate may be restricted in accordance with the Constitution, i.e. subject to special registration or method requirements, such as in the case of persons unable to vote in their precinct on election day on account of disability, being at sea or living abroad at the time. This appears to be in line with comments in the Venice Commission opinion. There are new provisions on the Publicity of Elections (Art. 81) and on Electoral Right Guarantees (Art. 82), which can be regarded as positive steps towards recognising that the electoral process is to be open and public.