Home > Residence > HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure
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Article 104

(1) If the citizen has in addition to his/her domicile a residence, the citizen may with a certificate requested from the head of the local election office of his/her domicile ask the head of the local election office of his/her place of residence, or, on polling day, the ballot counting committee to enter him/her in the register. On the grounds of the certificate, the citizen may vote at his/her place of residence.
(2) When issuing the certificate, the head of the local election office of the domicile shall delete the citizen from the register. The certificate shall indicate, on the grounds of the citizen's statement, the place of residence where the citizen intends to vote, which shall be recorded in the register. The receipt of the certificate shall be acknowledged by the citizen, or the person delegated by him/her, on grounds of the authorisation issued to this effect, by his/her signature.
(3) On the grounds of the certificate and the card suitable for verifying the identity, the head of the local election of the place of residence or the ballot counting committee shall enter the citizen in a special register. The certificate and the special register shall be retained as part of the election documents.
(4) Certificates may be issued the latest on the second day prior to voting. Certificates may be applied for in person or through a delegate. Certificates may be also applied for by registered mail, provided that such mail shall have been received by the relevant local election office on the 5th day prior to voting. The letter shall indicate the place of residence where the citizen intends to vote. The certificate applied for in the letter shall be sent to the citizen to the address determined by him/her by certified mail with receipt of delivery requested.
(5) For issuing the certificate, the person applying for the certificate shall disclose his/her name, personal identification number and address.