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Article 14

Procedure for the Consideration of Applications about the Inaccuracies in Voter Lists and the

Correction of the Lists

1. Every citizen has the right to apply to the community leader with the request concerning the inaccuracies in voter lists, for the inclusion or withdrawal from voter lists of himself/herself or other citizens, not later than five days prior to the day of voting. Applications are submitted in writing.

2. The community leader, within three days considers applications concerning the inaccuracies in voter lists, makes decisions, and informs the citizens in writing on the results of the consideration of their applications; whenever possible those citizens whose names and last names have been removed from the voter lists, are also informed.

3. Any disputes about inaccuracies in voter lists can be appealed to the court. The court is obliged to make a decision within five days. The decision is not subject to appeals. Voters’ lists are not subject to change within 2 days prior to voting, as well as on the day of voting, not even by a court decision.

(Amend. of July 31, 2002 LA-406-P)