Home > 1.1.3 Submission of candidatures > POLAND - Election of the President
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Article 42

The National Electoral Commission shall register the candidate for President of the Republic, if submission is made in accordance with the rules of this Act, performs an official record of registration and notifies this fact to the agent.

The National Electoral Commission shall examine the conformity to the rules of the nomination submitted by checking:


does the candidate meet all requirements established in Article 127, paragraph 3, first sentence - of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland;

conformity of data, referred to in Article 40a, paragraph 4, with available official documents;

does the submitted nomination has been supported by at least 100,000 citizens, according to the rule of Article 41, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 3.


If the submitted nomination is inaccurate, the National Electoral Commission shall immediately notify the agent to delete revealed defects within 3 days. In the event the defect has not been removed within the time-limit, the Commission shall refuse to register the candidate. Decision of the National Electoral Commission shall be immediately delivered to the agent, along with reasons given.

An agent may appeal to the Supreme Court against the negative decision of the National Electoral Commission on registering the candidate. The appeal shall be made within 2 days of the date of the refusal to register the candidate.


The Supreme Court, by bench of 3 judges, shall examine the petition and issue its ruling within 5 days, in non-litigious proceedings. There shall be no legal recourse against the ruling of the Supreme Court. The ruling shall be submitted to the agent and to the National Electoral Commission. If the Supreme Court grants the petition, the National Electoral Commission shall immediately register the candidate