Home > 2.3 Observation > GEORGIA - Joint Opinion on the Election Code
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Paragraph 46

It is important that the Election Code be clear and precise concerning the rights of observers. Article 70 provides a list of rights of observers. Although it provides the right to file complaints to the PEC regarding voting and counting procedures, and to a higher level commission or court regarding actions of an election commission, this provision does not expressly provide that observers have a right to file complaints regarding violations of the campaign-related regulations, such as restrictions on campaigning and media coverage, or any other violations of the election law that occur during the pre-electoral period. The provision also does not expressly provide that observers have a right to observe all aspects of the process taking place at DECs during the tabulation of results, which proved to be a problem in the 2008 presidential and parliamentary elections. It is thus recommended that Article 70 be amended to expressly provide the above-noted rights to accredited observers.