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Article 58

Protocol and report of the electoral committee of the polling station

The electoral committee of the polling station shall draw up a protocol, in two copies, comprising:

the number of voters included in the electoral lists;

the number of voters included in the additional lists;

the number of voters who were delivered ballot papers;

the number of voters that took part in the elections;

the number of ballot papers declared invalid;

the number of validly expressed votes for each electoral competitor (for each option regarding the questions subjected to referendum);

the total number of validly expressed votes;

[Entry g) introduced by the Law no.268-XIV from 04.02.1999]


the number of ballot papers received by the electoral committee of the polling station;

the number of unused and annulled ballot papers.

In case of parliamentary elections, the form of the protocol shall be established by the Central Elections Commission, and in case of local elections – by the respective district electoral council. The respective district electoral council shall provide the electoral committees of the polling stations with the necessary number of forms of protocol in the day of elections.

[Paragraph 2, article 58 as amended by the Law no.1227-XIV from 21.09.2000]


The results of the votes’ counting shall be examined in the meeting of the electoral committee of the polling station and shall be recorded in a protocol, signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and the rest of the committee’s members. The absence of signature of some members of the electoral committee of the polling station shall not influence the validity of the protocol. The reasons of the signature’s absence shall be mentioned in the committee’s report.

The protocol on the elections’ results shall be drawn up in several copies, in the presence of the members of the electoral committee of the polling station, representatives of the electoral competitors and of other authorized persons. One copy of the protocol shall be kept at the electoral committee of the polling station, one copy shall be submitted to the district electoral council, and the rest copies shall be necessarily handed over to the electoral competitors.

[Paragraph 4, article 58 as amended by the Law no.894-XIV from 23.03.2000]


The chairman of the electoral committee of the polling station shall prepare the committee’s report based on the written record of the activities unfolded by the committee in the electoral period. The report shall include a short summary of the applications and contestations regarding the actions of the electoral committee of the polling station and of the decisions taken by the committee based on them. The chairman shall sign the report and shall give the possibility to the rest of the committee’s members to write their comments and amendments to the report and to sign it. The applications and contestations shall be attached to the report.

The chairman of the electoral committee of the polling station shall convey to the district electoral council, as soon as possible, but not later than 18 hours after the announcement of the polling stations’ closing, the ballot papers with the validly expressed votes for each electoral competitor, the protocol, the report, the invalid, annulled or contested ballot papers, the applications and contestations - all these being sealed in a box (package). The transportation of the sealed box (package) shall be escorted by the police, the chairman and by at least two members of the electoral committee of the polling station. The electoral committees of the polling stations constituted abroad the Republic of Moldova shall submit, apart from the listed acts, the additional lists as well.

[Paragraph 6, article 58 as amended by the Law no.1439-XIV from 28.12.2000]


The stamps of the electoral committee of the polling station shall be closed in a box (package) that shall be kept at the polling station. After the termination of elections, the seals shall be forwarded to the district electoral councils, at their request.