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Article 86

Establishing the representation threshold

After having got the protocols of the district electoral councils, in which the results of the votes’ counting from all electoral districts are indicated, the Central Elections Commission shall totalize the number of valid express votes, accumulated by each political party, other social-political organization and by each electoral bloc, in order to find if they have reached the minimum representation threshold.

The minimum representation threshold shall be considered the following proportions from the total number of validly expressed votes per country:

for political parties, other social-political organizations – 6 percent;

for electoral blocs comprising two political parties and/or other social-political organizations – 9 percent;

for electoral blocs comprising three or more political parties and/or other social-political organizations – 12 percent;

The political parties, other social-political organizations and electoral blocs that have accumulated a lower number of votes than that provided in Paragraph(2) shall be excluded from the operation of mandates’ attribution, by the decision of the Central Elections Commission.

[Article 86 as amended by the Law no.796-XV from 25.01.2002]

[Article 86 as amended by the Law no.894-XIV from 23.03.2000]

Note: The amendment introduced by the Law no.480 from 02.07.1999 is declared unconstitutional by Constitutional Court Decision no.1 from 11.01.2000

[Paragraph 2, article 86 introduced by the Law no.480-XIV from 02.07.1999]