Home > 1.1.3 Submission of candidatures > ARMENIA- Electoral Code
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Article 105

Self-Nomination of MP Candidates Under Majoritarian System (4.1. / 1.1.3. / 3.1.)


1. A citizen self-nominating for parliamentary elections under majoritarian system shall submit an application for self-nomination to the Territorial Elecotral Commission within a deadline established under the point 6 of the Article 117 of this Code.

The self-nomination application shall contain information specified under the point 1 of the Article 106 of this Code.

2. The citizen shall attach to the self-nomination application powers of attorney of his/her two authorized representatives containing information specified under the point 9 of the Article 67 of this Code.

3. The citizen nominated as an MP candidate under majoritarian system shall submit his/her nomination application personally or through his/her authorized representatives.

4. The self-nomination application form shall be established by the Central Electoral Commission.