Home > Submission of a list of candidates > SERBIA - Law on the Election of Representatives
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Article 39
A submitter of an electoral list, as described in Articles 33 and 36 of this Law, shall determine his representatives in the authorities for carrying out  the elections, and notify of that the authorities who have named the authorities for carrying out the elections.
After receiving notification of the persons who are delegated to the expanded makeup, the authorities for the carrying out the elections in their permanent makeup shall, at the latest 24 hours after the moment of receipt of said notification, make a ruling determining the names of persons who are becoming their members.
If the submitter of an electoral list does not delegate a representative to the authority for the carrying out of the elections at the latest five days before the day designated for holding of the elections, the above said authority shall continue its work and make binding decisions without the above said representative of the submitter of an electoral list.