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Article 23
The Rights, Duties and Guarantees for the Activities of the Observers and the Representatives of Mass Media
1. The observers and the mass media representatives have the right to:
a. Be present at the sessions of referendum commission and also in the polling station during the voting.
b. Be familiarized, without impediments, with referendum documents, the samples of the ballots, documents, the decisions of Referendum Commissions, the protocols of the sessions; receive their copies, make extracts from the protocols.
c. Appeal the decisions of referendum commission, the actions of the commission members or their inactivity.
2. The observer and the mass media representatives do not have the right to interfere with the work of the commission.
3. One member of an accredited observation mission member can participate in the work with an advisory vote or be present during the voting of the sessions of the referendum commission.
4. The observers follow the work of the referendum commission during the voting. They can make suggestions and remarks regarding that to the commission Chairmen, and the latter undertakes required measures.
5. No restriction of the rights of observers and mass media representatives is allowed.
6. The observers and mass media representatives cannot be subject to liability for their opinions expressed in the course of voting and summarization of the voting and results of the referendum.