List of Voters who Support a Candidate in Local Elections
For candidates for mayor of a municipality or commune, the nomination documents are accompanied by the following documentation:
for electoral units with up to 5,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 50 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists;
for electoral units with between 5,000 and 30,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 100 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists;
for electoral units with more than 30,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 300 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists.
The multi-name lists of candidates of political parties for the municipal or communal councils must, in addition to the documents contemplated in article 79, section 2, letters (a) and (b) of this Code, for each candidate, be supported by:
for electoral units with up to 5,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 50 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists;
for electoral units with between 5,000 and 30,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 100 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists;
for electoral units with more than 30,000 voters, a list with the signatures of 300 voters registered in the preliminary voter lists.
The candidates of political parties are exempt from the obligation contemplated in section 1 of this article, if at least a member of the respective party holds a seat in the Assembly or the council for which the party is running in the elections. For the purposes of this code, the political party is to present a statement in writing, signed by the elected person, declaring that he is a member of the political party.
Independent candidates are exempt from the obligation contemplated in section 1 of this article if they are mayors of municipalities or communes or hold seats in the Assembly, or on the council.
Political parties are exempt from the obligation contemplated in section 2 of this article, if at least one member of the respective party holds a seat in the Assembly or the council for which the party is running in the elections. For the purposes of this code, the political party is to present a statement in writing, signed by the elected person, declaring that he is a member of that party.