4ALBANIA - Constitution of Albania (2020)
ALBANIA - Constitution (2016)
ARMENIA - Constitution (2015)
BULGARIA - Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (2023)
ESTONIA - Extracts of the Constitution (1992)
GERMANY - Basic Law for the Federal Republic (2014)
ITALY - Extracts of the Constitution (1947)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Constitution (2011)
LIECHTENSTEIN- Extracts of the Constitution (1921)
PORTUGAL - Extracts of the Constitution (2005)
ROMANIA - Constitution Excerpts (2003)
SERBIA - Constitution (2006)
SPAIN - Extracts of the Constitution (1978)
UKRAINE - Constitution (1996)
1ALBANIA - Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania (2020)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2008)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2003)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2015)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2002)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2021)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2022)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2016)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2018)
ARMENIA- Electoral Code (2007)
AUSTRIA - Federal Law on National Council Elections (Regulations on National Council Elections 1992 – NRWO) (1992)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2018)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2019)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2020)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2021)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2014)
COSTA RICA - Electoral Act (2009)
CROATIA - Act on Election of Municipality Heads, Mayors, County Prefects and Mayor of City of Zagreb (2008)
CROATIA - Act on Election of Municipality Heads, Mayors, County Prefects and Mayor of City of Zagreb (2007)
CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016 (2012)
ESTONIA – President of the Republic Election Act (1996)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2021)
HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure (1997)
HUNGARY - Act L of 2010 on the Election of Municipal Representatives and Mayors (2010)
HUNGARY - Act XXIII of 2022 Amending Certain Electoral and Related Laws (2022)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2018)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2013)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI on Election Procedure (2021)
ICELAND - Elections Act (2021)
ICELAND - Elections Act (2023)
KOREA - Public Offical Election Act (2014)
KOSOVO - Law No. 03/L-072 on Local Elections (2008)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Electoral Code (2004)
MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico (2014)
MEXICO - General Law on Political Parties (2014)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2019)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament) (2017)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (2013)
NORWAY - Election Act (2021)
POLAND - Election Code (2019)
POLAND - Election Code (2011)
POLAND - Election Code Amendments (2023)
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2022)
ROMANIA - Law no. 115 for the election of local public administration authorities, amending the Law of local public administration no. 215/2001, as well as amending and supplementing Law no. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected offi cials (2015)
SLOVAKIA - Act on conditions for the exercise of the right to vote (2019)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Election Campaign (2019)
SLOVENIA - Local Elections Act (2023)
TÜRKIYE - Basic Provisions on Elections and Voter Registers (1999)
TÜRKIYE - Law on Basic Provisions of Elections and Voter Registers (2014)
TÜRKIYE - Law on Basic Provisions on Elections and Voter Registers with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140 (2018)
TÜRKIYE - Law on Elections of Local Administrations and Neighborhood Mukhtars and Board of Elderman (2012)
UNITED KINGDOM - Elections Act (2022)
UNITED KINGDOM - Elections Act (2024)
UNITED KINGDOM - European Parliamentary Elections Act (2002)
ALBANIA - Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
ALBANIA - Opinion on the Scope of the Power of the President to set the Dates of Elections (2019)
ALBANIA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2009)
ARMENIA - Joint Final Opinion on The Electoral Code (2011)
ARMENIA - Joint Interim Opinion on the new draft Electoral Code (2011)
BULGARIA - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code (2017)
BULGARIA- Joint Opinion on the Election Code (2011)
GEORGIA - Joint opinion on draft amendments to the Election Code and the Law on Political Associations of Citizens (2022)
GEORGIA - Opinion on the Draft Organic Law on: Making amendments and additions into the Organic Law-Election Code of Georgia (2005)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion on the 2020 Amendments to the Electoral Legislation (2021)
MOLDOVA - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code and other Related Laws Concerning Ineligibility of Persons Connected to Political Parties Declared Unconstitutional (2023)
MOLDOVA- Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
MONTENEGRO- Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Election of Councillors and Members of Parliament (2011)
MONTENEGRO- Opinion on the Compatibility of the Existing Legislation Concerning the Organisation of Referendums with Applicable International Standards (2005)
Report on Term-Limits Part II - Members of Parliament- Part III - Representatives elected at Sub-national and Local Level and Executive Officials electred at Sub-national and Local Level (2019)
Report on the Recall of Mayors and Local Elected Representatives (2019)
THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA- Joint Opinion on the Revised Electoral Code (2011)
TÜRKIYE - Opinion on the Replacement of Elected Candidates and Mayors (2020)
UNITED KINGDOM - Opinion on the Electoral Law (2007)