(1) After receiving the fi les containing the reports with the results of the ballot counting from all the electoral bureaus of the polling stations and after settling the challenges fi led, the electoral bureaus of communal, town, municipal constituencies, of the sector constituencies of the Municipality of Bucharest, and county constituencies, respectively the electoral bureau of the constituency of the Municipality of Bucharest shall proceed to totalling the votes cast and to assigning the mandates, under this law.
(2) For this purpose, the constituency electoral bureau shall record, for the entire constituency, separately for each list of candidates or independent candidates, the number of votes obtained.
(3) The electoral bureaus of communal, town, municipal constituencies, of the sector constituencies of the Municipality of Bucharest, respectively the electoral bureau of the constituency of the Municipality of Bucharest shall total the number of votes obtained by each candidate for the mayor’s office, respectively for the office of general mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest.
(4) The activities of the constituency electoral bureau may be attended by the candidates and the persons accredited for this purpose, as well as by the persons stipulated under Article 93 (1).