Home > Counting procedures/validity of ballots > BULGARIA- Presidential Elections Act
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Article 11f

(1) For the purpose of holding elections for President and Vice Pesident the territory of this country shall be divided into 31 election regions, coinciding with the election regions for the last elections of people’s deputies.

(2) The voting and calculation of votes shall be effected by election sections to be formed by order of the mayor of the respective municipality not later than 45 days prior to the election day.

(3) The regional elections commissions shall set the numbers of election sections in compliance with the uniform numbers of sections determined by decision of the Central Elections Commission not later than 30 days prior to the elections day.

(4) The election sections at diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be formed by the heads thereof not later than 14 days prior to the elections day, provided at least 30 voters have stated their desire to take part in the elections pursuant to Article 10b, paragraph (4).