Home > 2.7 Election funding > CZECH REPUBLIC- Act on Elections to the Parliament and on Amendments of Certain Other Acts
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Article 65

(1) In each electoral division, the District State Administration Office In the Seat of Electoral Division shall establish a separate bank account. This bank account shall be established no later than the day on which the divisional election board in the electoral division shall have been constituted.

(2) Each entity that has filed an application for registration of a candidate shall deposit a security amounting to twenty thousand KŸ in the bank account specified in the foregoing Paragraph 1 of this Article. This deposit shall be made within three days following the notification of the candidate's registration (Article 64, Paragraph 1 hereinbefore), and the entity shall inform the relevant divisional election board about the fact no later than two days after the deposit has been made.

(3) The printing of ballots shall not be undertaken unless the deposit, on which it is contingent, has been made.

(4) Divisional election boards shall refund the deposit to the depositors no later than one month following the declaration of the election results provided the candidate for whom the deposit was made has accrued no less than six per cent of the total vote in the electoral division. Deposits that shall not be refunded shall be deemed to be receipts of the national budget.

(5) The Ministry of Finance shall lay down specific legal regulations providing for particulars in respect of the manner in which the security deposited will be refunded.