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Article 127

Advance payments of election subsidies

1. The State shall give advances on the aforesaid subsidies to parties, federations and coalitions having obtained such subididies at the latest election to Spanish Parliament,to the European Parliament or, as the case may be, to city councils, and not having been later deprived of their entitlement thereto under the preceding section. The advanced amount may not exceed 30 per 100 of the subsidy received by the same party, federation or coalition at the latest election of the same description, nor the same percentage of the subsidy arising from application of sections 175, subs.3; 193, subs. 3, and 227, subs. 3, of this Act, depending on the type of election in each case. 

2. The above-mentioned advances may be applied for between the twenty-first and the twentythird day after the call of the election.

3. Parties, federations or coalitions who have presented candidates in more than one province, shall submit the application for advance payments throught their respective manager-general to the Central Electoral Commission. In all other cases the application is to be submitted by said manager to the relevant Provincial Electoral Commission, which shall forward the request to the Central Commission.

4. As from the twenty-ninth day from the call of the election, the State’s Administration shall make available the corresponding advances to election managers.
5. Sums paid in advance to a party, federation or coalition are to be returned after the election in the amount exceeding the subsidy to which said party, federation or coalition is finally entitled.

6. Without prejudice to the preceding subsection, sums paid in advance shall be totally returned if no proof can be shown, according to Sect. 133, subs. 4, of this Act, of candidates elected on behalf of said political formations having effectively become members of the Congress of Deputies, Senate, European Parliament or the corresponding local assembly and of their having entered the exercise of the functions for which they have been so elected and which give a right to the subsidy provided for in this Act.