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Article 60

Voters in the Armed Forces and in the State Police Forces

1. No later than 60 days prior to the date of elections for the Assembly, the Minister of Defence and other competent central institutions, at the request of the Minister in charge of the local government, order the commanding officers of the respective bases to prepare a list of voters who will be located at those bases on election day. The base commanders should specify the presence of the voters in the respective bases, as well as the local government unit where the voters have their residence. The list is to be sent no later than 15 days after receiving the order to the local government unit where the base is located.

2. The mayor of the local government unit includes these voters on the final list of the voting centre in the territory of which the base is located. The order of their appearance on the list will be made according to the general rules for the compilation of the voter list.

3. Within 5 days of receiving the list from the commander of the respective base, the mayor of the local government unit is to send a copy of the list to General Directorate of Civil Status, which, no later than five days after receiving the list, requests that the respective local government units of the residence of these voters remove them from the voter list of their residence, in compliance with the procedures and time limit established by the CEC.

4. For the municipality of Tirana, the rights and duties specified in article 59 of this Code and in this article, are to be exercised by the mayors of the boroughs.