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Article 105

(Prohibition of Procession, etc.)

(1) No one shall commit the acts falling under any one of the following subparagraphs by forming a group in excess of five persons (ten persons
including the candidate in case of accompanying him) in order to wage the election campaign: Provided, That in the case of performing the act
referred to in subparagraph 2, the candidate, his/her spouse (including one person who is reported by him/her instead of his/her spouse, from among
his/her lineal descendants and ascendants), the election campaign manager, the chief of the election campaign liaison office, the election campaign
worker, assistant accompanying a candidate, and the accountant in charge shall not be included in the number:

<Amended by Act No. 7189, Mar. 12, 2004; Act No. 7681, Aug. 4, 2005; Act No. 9974, Jan. 25, 2010>

1. Marching along the street;
2. Saluting the multitude of electorates;
3. Shouting repeatedly: Provided, That the same shall not apply to the case of repeated shouts to express supports for the relevant political party or candidates at the speech or interview at an open place under the provisions of Article 79.

(2) Deleted. <by Act No. 9974, Jan. 25, 2010>