Home > 1.2.3 Equality and national minorities > MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Draft Law Amending the Electoral Legislation
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Paragraph 37

3. The constituency of Gagauzia

Article 74.2 of the submitted proposal establishes that three constituencies should be created in the Autonomous Territory Unit of Gagauzia. The aim of this provision seems to follow recommendations made by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR in previous opinions on the representation of minorities. According to the proposal, citizens of Gagauzia would be represented not only by the MPs elected in the national constituency, but also by MPs elected in their majoritarian constituencies. However, the methodology to implement such provisions is unclear. The choice of allocating three majoritarian constituencies in the region could be challenged as arbitrary, taking into account the population data, showing deviations between different constituencies of more than the recommended 10% (15% in special circumstances), and therefore, presenting an unequal distribution of mandates.[1]

[1] Code of Good Practice, point 2.2., para. 15.