4ALBANIA - Constitution of Albania (2020)
ARMENIA - Constitution (2015)
BELGIUM - Extracts Constitution (2014)
BELGIUM - Extracts of the Constitution (2001)
CYPRUS- Constitution of Cyprus (1960)
DENMARK- Extracts of the Constitution (1953)
KOSOVO - Constitution (2015)
ROMANIA - Constitution Excerpts (2003)
SERBIA - Constitution (2006)
SLOVAKIA - Constitution (2002)
1ALBANIA - Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania (2020)
8ROMANIA - Law No. 370 (2024)
9ROMANIA - Law No. 208 (2015)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2021)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2022)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2016)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2018)
AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO) (1992)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2013)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA - Election Law (2001)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2018)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
CANADA - Elections Act (2019)
CROATIA - Act on Amendments to the Act on the Election of Representatives to the Croatian Parliament (2015)
CROATIA - Act on Election of Members of Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units (2005)
CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016 (2012)
CROATIA - Act on the Election of National Minority Councils and Representatives (2019)
CROATIA - Parliamentary Elections Act (2015)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2021)
GERMANY - Federal Elections Act (2013)
GERMANY - Federal Electoral Law (1999)
HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure (1997)
HUNGARY - Act CCIII of 2011 On the Elections of Members of Parliament (2011)
HUNGARY - Act CCIII on the Election of Members of the National Assembly (2021)
HUNGARY - Act L of 2010 on the Election of Municipal Representatives and Mayors (2010)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2018)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2013)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI on Election Procedure (2021)
ICELAND - Elections Act (2023)
KOSOVO - Law No. 003/L-073 on General Elections and Amendments 2010 (2008)
KOSOVO - Law No. 03/L-072 on Local Elections (2008)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - On Presidential and Jogorku Kenesh Elections (2015)
KYRGYZSTAN - Law on Elections of the President of the Republic and the Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (2020)
LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas (2012)
LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas (2016)
LITHUANIA - Law on Presidential Elections (2012)
LITHUANIA - Law on the Elections to the European Parliament (2003)
MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico (2014)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2019)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament) (2017)
MOLDOVA- Electoral Code (1997)
MONTENEGRO - Law on Election of Councillors and Representatives (2023)
MONTENEGRO- Law on the Election of Councillors and Representatives (2002)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (1989)
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2022)
ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities (2022)
ROMANIA - Law no. 115 for the election of local public administration authorities, amending the Law of local public administration no. 215/2001, as well as amending and supplementing Law no. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected offi cials (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 370 on the election of the President of Romania Republished (2004)
ROMANIA - Law on the Election of the President of Romania (2022)
ROMANIA - Law on the Election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as the Organisation and Functioning of the Permanente Electoral Authority (2020)
ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament (2022)
ROMANIA - Regulations for the 2016 Election of Local Public Administration Authorities (2015)
ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate (2008)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum (2011)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation (2011)
SERBIA - Law on Local Elections (2011)
SERBIA - Law on Local Elections (2020)
SERBIA - Law on the Election of Members of Parliament (2020)
SERBIA - Law on the Election of Members of Parliament (2022)
SERBIA - Law on the Election of Members of Parliament (2011)
SLOVAKIA - Act of the National Council on Local Elections (1998)
SLOVENIA - Elections and Referendum Campaign Act (2013)
SLOVENIA - Elections and Referendum Campaign Act (ZVRK) (2007)
SLOVENIA - Local Elections Act (2023)
SLOVENIA - National Assembly Elections Act (2017)
SLOVENIA - National Assembly Elections Act (2024)
SLOVENIA - National Assembly Elections Act (2006)
SLOVENIA- National Assembly Elections Act (2000)
UKRAINE - Law on All-Ukrainian and Local Referendums (1991)
ARMENIA - Joint Opinion on the Draf Electoral Code (As of 18 April 2016) (2016)
ARMENIA - Joint Urgent Opinion on Amendemnts to the Electoral Code and Related Legislation (2021)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Amicus Curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on certain provisions of the Election Law, of the constitution of the federation and of the statue of the city of Mostar (2010)
BULGARIA - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code (2017)
BULGARIA- Joint Opinion on the Draft Election Code (2014)
CROATIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Voters Lists (2007)
GEORGIA - Joint opinion on draft amendments to the Election Code and the Law on Political Associations of Citizens (2022)
GEORGIA - Joint Opinion on the Election Code (2008)
GEORGIA - Opinion on the Draft Revised Constitution (2017)
GEORGIA - Opinion on the Unified Election Code (2002)
GERMANY - Joint Opinion on the Amendments to the Federal Election Act (2023)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion of the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament (2012)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion on the 2020 Amendments to the Electoral Legislation (2021)
Joint Report of the Venice Commission and of the Directorate of Information Society and Action Against Crime of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law - On Digital Technologies and Elections (2019)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC- Joint Opinion on the Draft Electoral Law (2014)
MEXICO- Opinion on the Electoral Legislation of Mexico (2013)
MOLDOVA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Laws on Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of the Parliament) (2017)
MOLDOVA - Joint Opinión on the Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of the Parliament) (2018)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Draft Law Amending the Electoral Legislation (2014)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Election Code (2008)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2007)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2006)
MOLDOVA- Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
MOLDOVA- Opinion on the Election Law (2003)
MONTENEGRO - Urgent Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Elections of Members of Parliament and Councillors (2020)
MONTENEGRO- Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on the Election of Councillors and Members of Parliament (2010)
Report on Dual Voting For Persons Belonging to National Minorities (2008)
Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administration in Europe (2020)
Report on Electoral Rules and Affirmative Action for National Minorities´Participation in Decision-Making Process in European Countries (2005)
Report on Term-Limits Part I - Presidents (2018)
Report on Term-Limits Part II - Members of Parliament- Part III - Representatives elected at Sub-national and Local Level and Executive Officials electred at Sub-national and Local Level (2019)
Report on the Abolition of Restrictions on the right to vote in General Elections (2005)
Report on the Impact of Electoral Systems on Women's Representation in Politics (2009)
Revised Code of Good Practice on Referendums (2022)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION- Opinion on the Federal Law on the Election of the Deputies of the State Duma (2012)
SERBIA - Joint opinion on the constitutional and legal framework governing the functioning of democratic institutions - Electoral law and electoral administration (2022)
SERBIA - Joint Recommendations on the Laws on Parliamentary, Presidential and Local Elections and Electoral Administration (2006)
THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2006)
TÜRKIYE - Joint Opinion on the Amendmets to the Electoral Legislation by Law No. 7393 of 31 March 2022 (2022)
TÜRKIYE - Opinion on the Suspension of the Second Paragraph of Article 83 of the Constitution (Parliamentary Inviolability) (2016)
UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Laws on Election of People's Deputies and on the Central Election Commission and on the Draft Law on Repeat Elections of Ukraine (2013)
UNITED KINGDOM - Opinion on the Electoral Law (2007)