Home > 4.2 Presidential elections > KYRGYZ REPUBLIC- Joint Opinion on the Draft Electoral Law
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Paragraph 52

F. Collection of signatures for presidential candidacy

Article 76 of the draft law requires that a candidate for president collect no less than 30,000 and not more than 50,000 signatures of voters in support of his/her candidacy in order to be registered. The number of signatures was reduced in 2011 to 30,000 from 50,000, addressing a previous recommendation of the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission. International good practice establishes that the number of signatures to be collected in support of candidacy should not exceed one per cent of the number of registered voters in the respective constituency.[1] The number of 30,000 is consistent with international good practice in light of the number of registered voters.

[1] Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, CDL-AD(2002)023rev, I.1.3 ii.