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Article 17

§ 17. Competence of National Electoral Committee

(1) The function of the National Electoral Committee is to verify voting results across the whole country, ensure the uniformity of the conduct of a referendum, instruct other electoral committees, exercise supervision over their activities and perform other functions arising from law.

(2) The National Electoral Committee has the right to:

1) issue precepts for the elimination of deficiencies of an act of a county electoral committee or division committee or a decision of a county electoral committee;

2) suspend an act of a county electoral committee or division committee or the validity of a decision of a county electoral committee;

3) declare a decision of a county electoral committee invalid and, if necessary, issue a precept for a new decision to be made.

(3) The National Electoral Committee shall issue regulations in the cases prescribed in subsection (4). Regulations of the

National Electoral Committee shall be signed by the Chairman. Regulations enter into force on the third day after publication in the Riigi Teataja.

(4) The National Electoral Committee shall establish the following by a regulation:

1) the standard format of polling lists;

2) the procedure for voting in foreign states;

3) the procedure for the holding of voting and verification of voting results;

4) the standard format of ballot papers;

5) the standard format of the records of voting results;

6) the status of observer;

7) the procedure for the use of money allocated for the organisation of a referendum.

(5) The National Electoral Committee shall make a decision in order to resolve an individual matter within the competence of the National Electoral Committee. The decision shall be signed by the Chairman of the Committee. The decision shall enter into force upon signature thereof.

(6) Regulations, decisions and instructions of the National Electoral Committee shall be binding on county electoral committees and division committees.