Home > 1.2.1 Equal voting rights > ESTONIA - Referendum Act
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Article 48

§ 48. Taking ballot papers into account upon verification of voting results

(1) As the voting results are being verified, the ballot papers which have been sent to the National Electoral Committee by a representation and which have arrived not later than on the fourth day before the day of the referendum shall be taken into account.

(2) If the National Electoral Committee has received the envelopes with ballot papers of voters permanently residing in a foreign state, the Committee shall verify that the voters permanently residing in a foreign state have not voted several times and that the voters permanently residing in a foreign state who voted in Estonia are entered in the list of voters permanently residing in a foreign state.

(3) If a voter permanently residing in a foreign state has voted several times or has not been entered in the list of voters permanently residing in a foreign state, the National Electoral Committee shall not take into account any of the ballot papers completed by the voter or the vote cast electronically by the voter in the verification of the voting results.

(4) The National Electoral Committee shall designate a county electoral committee which shall verify the voting results of voters permanently residing in a foreign state.

(5) The National Electoral Committee shall forward the ballot papers of voters permanently residing in a foreign state to the electoral committee designated pursuant to subsection (4) not later than on the second day before the day of the referendum.

(6) Envelopes with the ballot papers of voters permanently residing in a foreign state shall remain in the county electoral committee and shall be opened on the day of the referendum in order to verify the voting results.

(7) The National Electoral Committee shall forward the envelopes with the ballot papers of voters temporarily staying in a foreign state through the county electoral committee to the division committees where the ballots are to be taken into account when the voting results are being verified pursuant to subsections 41 (4)-(7) not later than on the day before the day of the referendum.