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Article 22

Presentation of candidatures

1. Candidatures will be presented in an official document facilitated by the Government which shall contain the name of the candidature, the name of the candidates and their passport number. The presentation will be done in person by at least two of the signatories of the candidature, who will assume the legal representation of the candidature to all effects and who shall certify, by sworn statement or promise, that all the signatures of the presenters are true, under their responsibility. Illegible signatures shall be reproduced below with readable characters.

2. The presentation shall be submitted before the local council, in the case of parish constituencies, and before the Government, in the case of national constituencies, until 12:00 of the fifth working day since the date of the call of elections. The corresponding secretary shall state the submission, with the approval of the head of Government or consul, accordingly. Following this, the local council or Government, according to the case, shall verify its content.