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Article 64

Election of major and minor consuls, censure motion and resignation

1. The major and minor consuls shall be elected among and by the local councillors. They may not hold more than two consecutive complete mandates.

2. The major and minor consuls shall cease to hold office if a censure motion is presented, with a local councillor as alternative candidate, and obtains the positive vote of the absolute majority of the members of the local council.

3. If the censure motion does not succeed, the local councillor presented as an alternative candidate, may not be presented again throughout the rest of the mandate.

4. The major or minor consul may submit their permanent resignation from office, remaining members of the local council. Their substitution will be made through the same system by which they were elected, and this should take place during the fifteen natural days following the presentation of their resignation.

5. Any local councillor may present before the major or the minor consul his/her permanent resignation, which will have effect from fifteen calendar days after it has been presented. The following candidate after the last one elected from the list shall substitute him/her.